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Norman Sperling
2625 Alcatraz Avenue #235
Berkeley, CA 94705-2702
cellphone 650 – 200 – 9211
eMail normsperling [at] gmail.com
Welcome to “Everything in the Universe”, my blog on Science, Nature, and the Public. I often explore their intertwinings. New posts should appear
roughly weekly, so if you want to check regularly for new items, every Monday or Tuesday you ought to find something.
I don’t try to be literary, but I do think before I write, and write only when I have something to say. When news spurs a reaction, mine aren’t the
fastest knee-jerk comments, they’re more often a considered reflection.
Some entries are full-blown essays, others are ideas that can be presented briefly. I don’t yak and I don’t blather. When I don’t have anything to
say, I don’t say it. If my message needs 2 paragraphs, you don’t have to slog through 10 paragraphs to get to it. I try to get things right.
Please also enjoy my previously-published articles posted here.
Comments and suggestions are welcome: eMail me at normsperling [at] gmail.com. I read them all, but don’t always post them. To prevent descent into
harsh put-downs, political stabbings, rancor, advertising, and irrelevancy, I squelch those.